Critical Incident Review

We Teach The Investigation of Controversial Use of Force.

Investigating Complex Use of Force Without Training Can Be Dangerous

Modern force investigations requires knowledge that can ONLY be learned with specialized training.

Investigating complex force incidents without the right training has a direct effect on officers being fired, sued, criminally charged…or cleared of any wrongdoing.

C.I.R's Training

Enhanced Force Investigations

The most comprehensive force investigations course in the U.S. Learn what makes controversial and how to investigate it.

Video Examination & Review

Video is the most misunderstoood piece of evidence in force investigations, criminal trials and lawsuits. See why.

Leadership Perspective - Force Investigations and Analysis

Leaders can't be wrong in their decisions about use of force...yet most have no training in modern force investigations.

Street Cops Perspective; Human Factors and Critical Force Dynamics

Police officers can be trained to make better decisions under stress when they understand what they are capable...and incapable of.

Client Testimonials

"...The feedback was exceptional and the information has made a significant difference in our officers’ understanding of the subject matter. In my opinion, this should be a standardized course for law enforcement across the United States."
Major Carlos Ramirez, Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute
"We brought the CIR Enhanced Force Investigations & Cognitive Interviewing course to our area to strengthen the knowledge and skills of our Salt Lake Valley Officer-Involved Critical Incident Investigation Teams. The response was outstanding..."
Chief Ken Wallentine, West Jordan Police Departmenttine
"...This class should be mandatory training for EVERY police officer in America – especially if you are investigating use of force cases. I highly recommend this course, and I am looking forward to more training presented by Critical Incident Review!"
Chief Scott Hughes, Hamilton-Township, Ohio

Trusted By

Critical Incident Review Has Trained Thousands of Officers Across the United States.

The Book: Anatomy of a Critical Incident

Understanding what happens in a critical incident is non-negotiable.  Anatomy of a Critical Incident is the go to book for understanding what really happens in the streets and how to investigate it.